Self-drying Steam Technology for Instant Sanitizing
We believe that there is no economic recovery without a method to safely and quickly reduce microbe concentrations and dangerous biofilms.
New** The SaniZap600-4 beat speed records for cleaning deep grime.
After every pandemic new health standards are set for sanitation and hygiene.
The Covid-19 pandemic has created the need for frequent chemical-free sanitizing.
Enter the SaniZap® Solution!
Are you using chemical cleaners but are worried about using them too often? Concerned about about the chemical residues, odors, fumes, dust, allergens and side effects? Worried about exposing your family and pets to the chemicals? Worried if they are effective?
It is Simple – Antimicrobial Clean without Chemicals!
Eliminate odors. Eliminate microbes and bedbugs.
Eliminate wiping and waste. Save energy and time.
Sterilization-level temperature and quality of steam is now possible for the first time with portable SaniZap® machines. No such products are presently available in the market. Hard-to-reach areas can now be easily and rapidly sanitized with openly directed steam.
Sanitize kitchens, bathrooms, furniture, doors, gyms, equipment, and many other areas and objects with two portable models. Use in schools, hospitals, restaurants and other high traffic areas. Reduce odors.
SaniZap® models are in production since 2020.
Be an early adopter or please donate one to an organization of your choice!
The SaniZap-Mini is a handheld model with a One Gallon water pack for two hours of sanitizing. Easy to carry, or attach to belt or back harness.
The SaniZap-1 is a handheld model allowing great flexibility for rapid sanitation. A 4 gallon backpack and accessories allow for 8 hours of steam sanitizing.
The Versatile SaniZap-600-4-240 is a higher power model on wheels. A workhorse. Great for cleaning companies, health and food companies, hospitals, nursing homes and other institutional use. Full automation, temperature selection and multi-mode cleaning.
Our Story
Some years ago we had a water main pipe breakage at our company. The cleaning crew did a great job but we were never sure how clean the place was.
Being the experts we are with high temperature steam, we decided to pursue sterility level cleaning. The MightySteam® technology soon emerged as a new way to make instant steam that could eliminate any microbe within seconds.
Reliable portable models – SaniZap® solves this problem with cutting-edge, highly innovative products, covered by several patents.
Let’s Compare Steam with All Other Methods
Chemicals and UV present considerable dangers. These are well documented so can be easily searched on the web. The harm to humans is cumulative. Steam is the best solution as it is water based – so CLEAN by definition. However, it has to be the correct type of high temperature steam. This is the breakthrough technology that SaniZap® offers. The table below compares chemicals, low temperature carpet cleaning steam (vapor cleaners) and the SaniZap® antimicrobial steam.
Do more with SaniZap® Steam
In addition to antimicrobial use, SaniZap® can be used for several levels of cleaning like removal of old dust, dust mites, bird droppings, rust, paint, wall-paper, grease removal, eliminating black mold and more. We recommend the SaniZap-600-4-240 model for all of that. This model also allows a soap/cleaning agent and high temperature steam setting for rapid degreasing, floor cleaning and similar use. Clean Anything from Soft to Hard Surfaces.
Sanitation and cleaning in the food industry means adequate treatment of food contact surfaces to destroy vegetative cells of microorganisms. SaniZap® steam is the solution.
Steam – the Ultimate Microbe Buster
Superheated steam is a known anti-microbial agent and has been used for sterilizing for decades, but confined to autoclaves. Steam at the correct temperature and residence time is a rapid sanitizer. For the first time, the portable SaniZap® machines make even higher temperature steam than autoclaves possible, instantly. SaniZap® steam passes the important chemical indicator tests that autoclave have to (Class 4 and Class 6 indicators shown).
“Enveloped viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and HIV can be readily inactivated with heat. The Bayzi Corporation target for employing high temperatures that are capable of inactivating viruses within a few seconds with steam appears to me to be highly likely to succeed.” Albert B. Sabin Professor and Director, Infectious Diseases, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Bayzi has created a Science and Engineering team with experts from from Universities, Hospitals and EPA.
A brand-new technology platform for antimicrobial, antipathogen, and general cleaning to provide a green and healthy alternative to toxic chemical sanitizers.
Compare the SaniZap® models
Why is SaniZap® Technology unique?
- SaniZap® requires no pressure to deliver the same steam quality as the traditional slow autoclaves (World War II era technology)
- Utilizes much less energy compared to autoclaves
- Open, directed, non-wetting steam sanitation is possible for the first time. If used properly, high sterility levels are anticipated.
- Ability to deliver high steam temperatures up to 600°C to kill new and resistant strains of micro-organisms.
- Rapid velocity
- Unusual steam quality. The first steam to self dry on impacting a surface.
- Based on published journal reports and other data, rapid antimicrobial efficacy is anticipated. Let us be prepared for possible future pandemics.
- Patents (over four already allowed and several in the pipeline) will provide a sustainable competitive position.
“I have bought and used many steam cleaners. This is the only one I have real confidence in for cleaning bacteria.” -First impressions from a restaurant owner (formerly a nurse) who used the SaniZap prototype to deep-clean during the Coronavirus shut-down.
“I cannot give a more resounding thumbs-up for cleaning dust with antimicrobial steam. Our factory over the years had accumulated a lot of dust – and lots of dust mites. With the SaniZap 600-4-240 I was able to have all places easily dusted within a few hours. No sneezing, so I imagine it must have killed all the dust mites. I feel it is the best antimicrobial technique. All factories, laboratories and warehouses will benefit. We will be using it for years. Congratulations.”
“It’s quick. This is the best technique. Love it.” -The Leading US Thermal Materials Provider. Thank you for this device. December 2020
Awards and Press
Our most coveted awards are the testimonials we are receiving from people like you. These are listed on the web site “Love it” …. “feel safe” …”use it for everything” are typical responses from the Pilot 1 users. Bayzi has also been featured on:
2020 and Beyond –Future Innovation Agenda
Based on Issued Patents and Registered Trademarks
- MightySteam® (Steam Sanitation Technology Platform)
- SaniZap® (Open Steam Cleaning Products)
- HealthySurface® (Service Trademark)
- Enrgis Sterlizers™ (Patent Issued Sterilizers)
- Permanently Antimicrobial Surfaces
The launch of the SaniZap® products at Bayzi Corporation ( is supported by the technology and patents from an established world leader in industrial thermal technology, Micropyretics Heaters International Inc. (
Ship out is expected to start in April 2021
Customer service: Email:
What’s in the box?
SaniZap® 1 Accessory Kit
Frequently Asked Questions
Detailed Specifications