• An odor starts out as a volatile molecule.  When these molecules enter airways, some get to the olfactory epithelia, a small patch of tissue containing about six million olfactory sensory neurons.  Our olfactory system shares the same signaling channel as our sense of pain, we have particularly intense reactions to something can really smell bad – it hurts.
  • Porous materials like wood, walls and the fibers in carpets hold onto odor- causing molecules for years.
  • When faced with a bad smell, your first step should be to get its source out of the surface where it hides.
  • Did you know? the same principles as degreasers apply to odor removal and much of the advice to use the SaniZap-4 for degreasing will also apply to removing smells.
  • Using the proper high-quality steam can significantly reduce odor-pain.
  • The SaniZap degreaser can be used for both odor and grease and gunk removal.